Specialist Curriculum
During the weekly timetable students from Foundation to Year 6 have access to a variety of learning opportunities from specialist teachers. The children benefit from 3 x 60 minute lessons a week, which they attend with their specific home group.
Visual Art – Foundation to Year 6
Visual Art is offered as a specialist lesson for Foundation through to Year 6. Students explore various modes and mediums of art with a purpose built designated art studio. Where appropriate, connections are made between the learning within art lessons to the classroom program. Students focus equally on the process, as they do the final product, as they develop their skills and appreciation of many forms of artistic expression.
Music – Foundation to Year 6
Music is offered as a specialist lesson for Foundation through to Year 6. Lessons are based on the Orff Schulwerk approaches to music education. Students learn music elements through a hands on approach, making music together with movement, singing and playing instruments. The emphasis is on practical music making activities. Children learn to create their own music before learning to read and write music. Choir is offered for Years 3-6 students to further their musical interests.
Kitchen Garden – Foundation to Year 6
Throughout the year, students develop a practical understanding of organic gardening as they sow, grow and harvest their own produce, with plenty of opportunities for tasting. Their appreciation and understanding of the environment grows as they work the soil, care for plants and observe the seasonal shifts as the year passes. Opportunities for scientific and artistic observation are integrated into the program and recorded in individual garden journals, becoming a record of these seasonal reflections.
Our new building includes a purpose built kitchen where students prepare and enjoy recipes using the food they have grown. With a focus on eating seasonal produce, the program widens both palates and outlook. Work in the kitchen and garden fosters co-operation, problem solving and independence, with students proudly sharing their skills at home growing food and cooking for their families.
Auslan – Foundation to Year 6
Auslan is offered as a specialist lesson for Foundation through to Year 6. In Auslan we not only learn how to communicate in Australian Sign Language (Auslan), but we also have a strong focus on developing an understanding of the Deaf community and the rich culture which this community brings to our diverse nation. Within each topic studied we aim to develop an understanding of the signs related to the topic as well as how Auslan users use these signs in storytelling and general conversation. Learning Auslan has significant benefits for growing interpersonal skills, developing awareness, and promoting an inclusive culture which embraces diversity.